We promote social projects, athletes & teams
We live our social responsibility since our company was founded!

It is important to us to contribute to athletes and clubs and help children develop their talents.



Initiative “Our children are unbeatable”.
With the initiative “Our Children are unbeatable” the initiators want to set an example against violence towards our children and for more civil courage in this country. Cases of “courageous acts” and “interferance” should not remain an exception in our society. Click here for the project www.vorsicht-zerbrechlich.de

Due to rising cases of child abuse, ‘child protection action e.V.’ started an initiation to help educate children at primary schools about child abuse prevention, a great action we like to support.
Click here for the project Action Child Protection e.V. Aktionkinderschutz e.V.

Clubs & Sports


Malteserfunken Heitersheim e.V.

Förderclub der Sportfreunde Grißheim e.V.

Förderkreis SPVGG 09 Buggingen/Seefelden e.V.

Förderverein SV Ballr.-Dottingen e.V.

Fußballclub Heitersheim e.V.

Social Commitment


The DRK – German Red Cross – community associtation Müllheim is a very important institution, and of course, by our engagement, we want to express our appreciation of the many volunteers’ commitment by saying THANK YOU! Click here for the Kreisverband Müllheim